Logo for SYM Financial Advisors featuring the text "SYM" in large green font and "FINANCIAL ADVISORS" in smaller gray font. There is a graphic of two green, swooping lines beneath "SYM." The background is white.

Portfolio Management

A SYM Financial Core Offering

A better approach to portfolio management.​

As an independent firm not associated with any parent company, we are free to look all over the world for the best investments for our clients. SYM’s Portfolio Management Investment Committee selects investments objectively, and cost-effective solutions are important to us.

Things start looking up with SYM working for you. Your financial life becomes more organized and intentional. We actively monitor your asset allocation and location, rebalancing when appropriate for tax savings and overall health of your investment portfolio.

SYM’s investment philosophy:

Globally diversified
Tactically allocated
Simple organizational chart icon depicting one figure at the top connected by lines to three figures below, representing a hierarchical structure. All four figures are outlined in a minimalist style and are identical in appearance with circular heads and business attire, ideal for presentations on financial planning for business owners.

Major in the Majors

Risk tolerance, lifestyle choices, retirement goals, priorities – shouldn’t these conversations be a prerequisite to any new investment relationship? Once we get to know the real-world you, our investment team strives to build a better plan for the financial-world you.

A simple graphic illustration shows three people with circles for heads and lines for bodies, standing in front of a line graph on a board. The graph features an upward trending arrow, indicating growth or progress.

Uncommonly Capable

Each SYM Investment Committee member’s input is vetted through the group, resulting in our best combined thinking. Compare that to the option where a single advisor is responsible for directing your wealth.

A magnifying glass icon with a bar chart inside, depicted using simple lines. The chart inside the magnifying glass consists of three vertical bars of varying heights, symbolizing data analysis or statistical examination.

Diversified Portfolios

We believe a diversified and low-cost portfolio provides access to long-term investment growth while avoiding the risk of catastrophic loss that comes with single-stock investing. In our experience, no-load mutual funds and ETFs are reliable vehicles for the road ahead.

Three stick figure people in suits are standing with their arms raised toward three overlapping cogwheels above their heads, representing teamwork and collaboration. The middle person has their hand extended upward towards the central, larger cogwheel.

Ongoing Scrutiny

Well-laid plans need adjustments over time. As market events unfold, new research emerges, tax laws evolve, and life’s seasons progress, your plan deserves ongoing scrutiny from a professional portfolio management team.

Portfolio Management

Explore the Portfolio Management Brochure