Logo for SYM Financial Advisors featuring the text "SYM" in large green font and "FINANCIAL ADVISORS" in smaller gray font. There is a graphic of two green, swooping lines beneath "SYM." The background is white.


A man in a blue suit with a white shirt and blue checkered tie is speaking. Gesturing with his right hand, he stands against a wood-paneled wall accented by blue lighting and a black shelf. Discussing artificial intelligence, his words resonate within the modern setting.

Is AI The Next Big Thing In The Markets?

https://youtu.be/V2xtFzia32A?si=jGdQJX4WYGo8aygd We recently asked SYM’s Chief Investment Officer Andy Popenfoose this question. This is a paraphrase of what he shared.  Catch his exact words in the video above. AI is a major force in the economy. AI is a major force in the economy. I have been following the developments of artificial intelligence for a long time. What we have witnessed in the last few quarters is that AI is not only a scientific field,

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A woman with long brown hair, wearing a white long-sleeve shirt, is holding an orange in her left hand and a red apple in her right hand. She appears to be contemplating the two fruits. The background is plain white.

Is Your Portfolio Underperforming … Compared to What?

Ah, we restless humans. Sometimes, it pays to strive for greener grass. But as an investor, second-guessing a stable strategy can leave you in the weeds. Trading in reaction to excitement or fear tricks you into buying high (chasing popular trends) and selling low (fleeing misfortunes), while potentially incurring unnecessary taxes and transaction costs along the way. Still, what do you do if it feels as if your investments have been underperforming? Ask yourself this

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A man in a suit is standing next to a screen showing an upward-trending arrow on a green background with the text "SYM Financial Advisors" at the bottom. He appears to be speaking and gesturing, with bookshelves and a globe in the background.

Why Shouldn’t I Just Take the Money Market Return and Be Safe?

https://youtu.be/dmVhRvKVm2g We recently asked SYM’s Chief Investment Officer Andy Popenfoose, “Why shouldn’t I just take the money market rate of return and be safe?” This is a paraphrase of what he shared.  Catch his exact words in the video above. Money markets have their appeal but there are long-term drawbacks to consider. Money market rates can be attractive to some investors because they show a nice steady increase with low drama whereas more traditional investments

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