Logo for SYM Financial Advisors featuring the text "SYM" in large green font and "FINANCIAL ADVISORS" in smaller gray font. There is a graphic of two green, swooping lines beneath "SYM." The background is white.


A library aisle with wooden bookshelves filled with books on both sides and at the end. The shelves are neatly organized, holding a variety of colorful books. The aisle is well-lit, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for reading and studying, supported by scholarship granting organizations.

Leveraging your Donations with Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGOs)

If you live in a state that supports Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGO) and some portion of your charitable giving is directed to K-12 private schools, you could have the makings for a beautiful partnership. Seventeen states now offer scholarship tax credit programs that allow both individuals and corporations to earn additional tax credits as a result of their gifts. One success story can be found in the state of Indiana. In its first ten years

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An elderly couple, both wearing glasses and blue shirts, are sitting together. The man is holding a pen and looking at a document, while the woman is smiling and looking at a computer screen that displays a sketch.

3 Common Mistakes in Establishing a Trust

Have you been considering establishing a trust as part of your estate plan? Trusts are often overlooked and under-appreciated in the big picture of estate planning. Most people focus on a will, yet wills are not a silver bullet. They are simply an estate planning tool, which means that they have a clear purpose and some limitations. The function of a will is to tell the executor of your estate how you’d like your assets

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A woman and an elderly man sit on a bench outdoors. The woman, wearing a blue jacket and patterned scarf, smiles and touches the man's shoulder. The man, in a beige coat and grey scarf, holds a cane and smiles back. A wheelchair is positioned nearby.

Planning for the Cost of Life Care

Are you prepared to cover the cost of elder care for yourself or your loved one? As the costs of medical care and other related expenses continue to rise, this is an important conversation to have — inside of your own family, and with your financial advisor. What can you expect to pay? According to Genworth, the median cost of in-home care is $54,912 per year. If you have to go to a nursing home,

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Two paper cutouts of human figures holding hands are placed over U.S. dollar bills. The figures, representing people, are positioned on a wooden surface partially covered by the money.

The new Child Tax Credit. What is it all about?

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 expanded the Child Tax Credit and introduced some unique changes.  You likely have heard about this lately in the news or from your accountant. This outline provides direct links to IRS information, a breakdown of and how it may affect you. Does the Child Tax Credit change give me more money? One key feature of the ARPA is the credit amounts have increased for the 2021 tax

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A blue puzzle piece with "Life insurance" written on it is about to be placed into a white puzzle, signifying the importance of life insurance as an integral part of financial planning. The piece fits perfectly, underscoring how life insurance completes the overall financial picture.

What Is Life Insurance, and Do You Need It?

Life insurance is a sensitive topic. Nobody likes to sit down to discuss their mortality, but it is a conversation every responsible person should have. Life insurance can provide financial protection in the event a family member passes. There are many types of life insurance that could be considered for various stage of life, from birth to death. Who Needs Life Insurance? Life insurance can be a vital piece of a solid financial plan, particularly

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A young girl and a woman smile as the girl places a coin into a blue piggy bank. The woman, resting her chin on her hand, looks on proudly. They are seated at a table cluttered with more coins. The surroundings suggest a cozy indoor setting.

Roth IRA for Kids: Benefits, Eligibility, Investing

Here at SYM, our team gets lots of questions from clients about Roth IRA for kids. In fact, we have discussed the benefits of opening a custodial Roth IRA for the next generation before and covered the pros and cons in a separate article. Still, we wanted to take an in-depth look at some of the strategies for optimizing a Roth IRA for children. First things first. A “Roth IRA for kids” is a Roth

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