Logo for SYM Financial Advisors featuring the text "SYM" in large green font and "FINANCIAL ADVISORS" in smaller gray font. There is a graphic of two green, swooping lines beneath "SYM." The background is white.

Business Owners

A paper document with the words "COMMERCIAL INSURANCE" in bold text sits on the desk surface, partially obscuring the edge of a keyboard and a pair of eyeglasses. Nearby, information about group retirement plans can be seen peeking out from beneath the document.

7 Common Types of Commercial Insurance Policies

When should a business owner consider a commercial insurance policy and what is the most important coverage? Commercial insurance policies protect businesses from the risk associated with injury, disability, property loss, and other liabilities. They come in many shapes and sizes and can make discerning what is best for your business difficult.  By outlining the common components of commercial insurance policies, we aim to bring clarity to your choices. As a business owner, you may

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Two 3D human figures are depicted; the one on the left holds a red X, while the one on the right holds a green checkmark. Below them, text reads "ELIGIBLE OR NOT???" suggesting a comparison or decision-making scenario regarding eligibility.

How 401k Eligibility Changes with The SECURE ACT

Background on 401k Eligibility Prior to the passage of the SECURE Act, employers could exclude long-term part-time employees (LTPT employees) that worked fewer than 1,000 hours per year from employer 401k contributions.  This was done by implementing a one year of service waiting period requirement.  The “one-year service” was defined as a 12 consecutive month period where the employee worked at least 1,000 hours. How 401k Eligibility Changes with The SECURE Act The SECURE Act

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Illustration of a person rock climbing with the text "Get a Grip on Your Business" above them. The climber is wearing a lime green shirt, black pants, and a climbing harness, gripping onto rocks with one hand extended upwards, symbolizing achieving success.

Get a Grip on Your Business- valuable leadership tools (webinar)

Listen to get the Ten Commandments of Solving Issues in business and gain guidance from certified EOS implementor Jill Young. Panelists: Seth Whicker, CFP®, MS, Principal and Senior Financial Advisor at SYM Financial Advisors Contact: swhicker@sym.com (260) 387-6822 Tom Ackmann, Principal and Senior Retirement Plan Advisor at SYM Financial Advisors Contact: tackmann@sym.com  (260) 387-6822 Tania Bengtsson, Certified EOS® Implementer Contact: tania@achievebigresults.com (574) 532-1832

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A man in a business suit is shown with multiple arms, holding various items: a wrench, two telephones, a tablet, a clock, and a cup of coffee. The image suggests multitasking and managing numerous responsibilities simultaneously to achieve personal wealth.

How the Finances of Business Affect Personal Wealth

As a business owner, much of your personal wealth is probably intertwined with the success of your business. You may not feel confident navigating the complex financial planning challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. Implementing personal and business goal planning, determining the structure of business ownership and retirement planning, creating a succession plan, managing risks, and surrounding yourself with a competent team of professionals are all steps that are pertinent to you as you grow

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The CARES Act for Business Owners Q&A

Small businesses can now apply for SBA loans, designed to retain their workforce, under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Companies can apply for amounts up to the lesser of $10 million, or 2.5x their average payroll costs. Companies can use funds to cover payroll, rent, utilities, mortgage interest, group insurance premiums, and certain other expenses. Eligible payroll costs do not include employees with an annual salary greater than $100,000. Benefits of the CARES Act for

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Illustration showing eight people in business suits walking in line. One person breaks away, holding a red balloon, and floats above the others, suggesting innovation or thinking outside the box amid discussions of the secure act. All characters carry briefcases against a blue background.

Business Owners and the SECURE Act

For the first time since the passage of the Pension Protection Act (PPA) in 2006, Congress forwarded and the president signed a major piece of retirement legislation. Referred to as the Setting Every Community up for Retirement Enhancement Act (SECURE Act), the law includes a number of provisions that will undoubtedly change the retirement landscape. Although it is early and specific details are scant, we thought we would take the opportunity to comment on a

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