Logo for SYM Financial Advisors featuring the text "SYM" in large green font and "FINANCIAL ADVISORS" in smaller gray font. There is a graphic of two green, swooping lines beneath "SYM." The background is white.

tax planning

woman pointing at notes on a board

Prioritizing Various Types of Savings

Saving is a key element to financial planning. How do you know that you are saving in the right places at the right time? This visual provides guidance around how we at SYM Financial Advisors prioritize savings and investments with tax efficiency in mind.  Contact us to dive deeper and customize your financial plan. 800-888-7968.

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A crossword puzzle made of red and white cubes features the words "CAPITAL" horizontally and "GAIN" vertically intersecting at the letter "A." Below the puzzle, the phrase "FUND DISTRIBUTIONS" is displayed in red, bold, stylized text.

Capital Gains Fund Distributions Explained

  As typically occurs at year-end, some of the funds in your SYM portfolio are expected to pay capital gains distributions in December. Because such distributions may impact your 2023 tax planning, we’d like to offer some thoughts about the process. Because mutual funds do not pay taxes, they must pay realized gains and income to shareholders in cash.   As required by law, mutual funds distribute all realized capital gains and dividends on an

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A man in a suit, glasses, and a striped tie bends under the heavy weight of three large binders labeled "TAX" stacked on his back. He appears strained as he balances the oversized folders, symbolizing the burden of estate tax mitigation, against a green background.

5 Estate Tax Mitigation Techniques You Should Consider

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act In 2017, The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act doubled the amount that someone could pass to their heirs without incurring Federal estate tax. As a result, many families have enjoyed relief from the federal estate tax. In 2023, an individual can pass just under $13 million ($26 million for a couple) to their heirs without getting hit by the 40% federal estate tax. There is an important caveat note,

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A close-up image of an American flag in the background with text in the foreground. A portion of an IRS (Internal Revenue Service) document is visible, featuring the IRS logo. The bold red text reads "2024 IRS Limits".

2024 IRS limits announced

The IRS recently announced 2024 limits affecting retirement plans and other qualified savings vehicles. The amounts have increased in almost all categories.  You will see the changes in bold in this quick reference.  For advice on tax planning, contact a SYM advisor. 401(k) Related Limits 2024 2023 401(k) Elective Deferrals $23,000 $22,500 401(k) Catch-up Contribution $7,500 $7,500 415 Annual Additions Limit $69,000 $66,000 Annual Compensation Limit $345,000 $330,000 Social Security Wage Base $168,600 $160,200  

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tax time clock

Your Tax Review Checklist for 2022 filing

As the April 18th tax deadline is approaching, take some time to consider how the following items may apply to your tax situation before submitting your 2022 return. A quick tax review could save you money. Tax Review Checklist Consider the impact of the following before filing your taxes. Realized Gains & Losses Form 1099-B reports your gains and losses for the year. This comes from your account custodian (Schwab, Fidelity, National Advisors Trust, TD

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A magnifying glass hovers over a red and white desktop calendar, emphasizing the number 31. The calendar is set to the month of December. The magnifying glass has a black handle and focuses on the date.

2022 Year End Deadlines

The year is drawing to a close in a flash and this is the time to address important year end deadlines. Following are key things you should be in communication with your advisor about now. Custodians are busier than normal years and we expect delays that haven’t been experienced in the past.  If you haven’t squared away with your SYM team already, we advise making it a priority. 529s Planning to make a contribution to

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