Logo for SYM Financial Advisors featuring the text "SYM" in large green font and "FINANCIAL ADVISORS" in smaller gray font. There is a graphic of two green, swooping lines beneath "SYM." The background is white.


A smartphone wrapped in thick metal chains secured with a brass padlock, symbolizing restricted cell phone access or data protection. The phone is placed on a white background.

What happens to your cell phone if something happens to you?

Imagine losing your cellphone. In an instant, contact information for everyone you know is gone. Thousands of pictures and other important information are locked away in thin air. Multi-factor authentication no longer works on many of your important accounts because you don’t have the phone that can receive the text/email/pin. If you are lucky, you have a backup plan that puts you back in operation in a day or two. What if a person dies

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An icon of a video player with a green play button in the center, symbolizing an engaging investment plan. The player interface includes a progress bar at the bottom, with a circular control for navigating through the video. The image is set against a white background.

The Difference the Right Financial Advisor Can Make

You have likely been told at least once that you need a financial advisor. Perhaps you know it, but it isn’t getting prioritized over the other things on your to-do list.  Maybe you don’t fully understand how one can benefit you.  You could even think it is not worth the cost.  There is evidence a financial advisor will actually save you money in various ways.  You can read more about that in this blog. Consider

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A pair of hands holding a pile of pennies with a small card on top that reads "College Fund." The background is out of focus, emphasizing the hands and the card.

Financial Planning for College

Are you planning to help your children with getting a degree someday? Financial planning for college has become a big priority for many American households. However, with education expenses on the rise, the total price tag may be much larger than you think. The average cost of attending a public college is $27,940 for in-state students, $45,240 for out-of-state students, and $57,570 for a private school per year.[1] For students seeking to earn a bachelor’s degree,

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two signs pointing opposite ways

Celebrate Your Resolve

Recent numbers are now in, with good news to share. With some financial analysts describing a “gravity-defying” “monster rally” across major market indices, most disciplined investors have been richly rewarded for sticking with their appropriate investment allocations. Even had quarterly and year-to-date numbers not shown improvement, we would have advised you to remain invested as planned anyway. The same can be said for whatever the rest of the year has in store. We know markets

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