Logo for SYM Financial Advisors featuring the text "SYM" in large green font and "FINANCIAL ADVISORS" in smaller gray font. There is a graphic of two green, swooping lines beneath "SYM." The background is white.
Four colleagues, three women and one man, are sitting at a long office table working on computers. They are smiling and raising their hands in celebration or applause. The setting is a bright office with large windows, depicting charts on computer screens related to elder care.

Sandwich Generation: Planning for the Aging Loved One

A national study of women’s financial needs and preferences identified “being caught in the middle” as the single most significant challenge respondents indicated they would face in the coming years. To help address this burden, the Family Wealth Advisors’ Council created a series of checklists and tools through their Women of Wealth initiative. 


  • Determine who will be the main contact in the family for helping to plan for future aging stages. It is not uncommon for duties to be split between multiple individuals.
  • Locate wills and health care directives.
  • List advisors and important contacts. This may include:  
    • wealth manager/financial planner
    • attorney
    • doctor and other health care professionals
    • accountant
    • insurance agents (long-term care insurance, life, property & casualty insurance)
    • clergy, pastor, or spiritual advisor
    • close friends and/or relatives nearby
    • adult daycare centers
  • Review finances and key documents. Make note of the passwords for the computer and other important accounts
  • Monitor checking and credit card statements for potential abuses and unusual spending patterns. 
  • Create a list of current medications, dosages, and prescribing physician. 
  • Determine if there are safety deposit boxes. Create a comprehensive list of contents. 

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