Logo for SYM Financial Advisors featuring the text "SYM" in large green font and "FINANCIAL ADVISORS" in smaller gray font. There is a graphic of two green, swooping lines beneath "SYM." The background is white.


An infographic by SYM Financial Advisors shows long-term incentives among the 250 largest companies in the S&P 500 index for 2021. Three trophies indicate: Stock Options (54%), Restricted Stock (65%), and Performance Awards (92%).

Why Corporate Executives Need Specialized Financial Planning

While the compensation structure of a corporate executive is definitely one of the perks of rising in the ranks, the vast complexities of the modern executive compensation package also leave the door open for missteps around every corner. Many freshly minted executives want to keep managing their personal income, retirement, and tax preparation, because that’s the way they’ve been doing it for years. But tap a longtime executive on the shoulder for a piece of

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A woman in a striped shirt stands with arms crossed, smiling. Text on the image states that Gen X women are the highest-income earning women in history but feel less confident about their retirement planning compared to Boomers and Millennials.

The Rise of the Gen X Female Investor

The Baby Boomers have been holding center stage for many years when it comes to the attention given by mainstream financial products and services. But the light is beginning to shine on financial planning for younger generations like Generation X. With many of the Boomers in formal retirement now, Gen Xers and Millennials are taking the investing spotlight. Gen Xers (those aged between 40–56) are in their peak earning years, and the time to plant

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An infographic by Sym Financial Advisors explains stock options for executives, highlighting the risks of high concentration in any single stock. It shows a 1-year decline rate of 75%, a 5-year rate of 35%, and a 10-year rate of 30%. The infographic, which includes a historical trend graph, emphasizes smart compensation strategies.

Stock Options for Corporate Executives

Corporate executive compensation packages often include stock options. As a supplement to a base salary, these options can be a powerful wealth creator and a core component of your overall investment portfolio and retirement plan. We believe executives need to keep in mind that the volatility and tax intricacies of these options require deft hands to manage. Wrong choices can have lasting impact and easily overpower your overall risk profile. Quick Primer on Stock Options

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A man in a suit is sitting outdoors, holding a folded newspaper in one hand and resting his chin on his other. He appears to be deep in thought, perhaps pondering the complex taxation of stock options, with a blurred building facade in the background.

Taxation of Stock Options and Other Mistakes to Avoid

Stock options are often used as an incentive for key employees and executives. For example, Apple CEO Tim Cook received a $3 million salary in 2021, which may seem relatively small given the enormous value of the company. But the full scope of his compensation package becomes clearer when you also consider he was awarded $82.3 million in stock options [1]. Stock options aren’t just for household names. Companies of many sizes use incentive stock

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A woman with shoulder-length light hair, wearing a necklace and a blazer, smiles at the camera. Text on the image reads, "Executive Decisions: A Podcast for Business Leaders," and a quote from Sarah Delahanty says, "That 'can do' attitude usually produces great opportunities for people.

Executive Decisions – Moving Forward In Business Amidst the Pandemic with Jenni Wendt (podcast)

Jennifer “Jenni” Wendt is the Global Director of Strategic Planning and Business Analysis at Dow, a sustainable materials science company that sells products in the packaging, mobility, infrastructure, and consumer care industries. Jenni is responsible for generating strategic plans that support the company’s capital planning and corporate strategy. Jenni also has oversight of Enterprise Working Capital, with a special focus on managing the risks related to $5-billion investments in trade account receivables. Jenni joins me

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A woman with long dark hair, wearing a red top and a black necklace, smiles at the camera. A quote below reads, “The world you're in is always changing, so it's your obligation and responsibility to keep up with that." —Amy Wilson. Text on top reads "Executive Decisions: A Podcast for Business Leaders.

Executive Decisions. Addressing Your Team’s Individual Needs with Amy Wilson (podcast)

Amy Wilson is the General Counsel and Corporate Secretary at Dow Corporate, which aims to become the most innovative, inclusive, customer-centric, and sustainable materials science company. They provide science-based products and solutions to their customers in spheres as diverse as packaging, consumer care, mobility, and infrastructure. Amy’s responsibilities with Dow include leading and providing counsel in corporate governance, as well as managing compliance matters. She is also the executive sponsor for Dow’s lesbian, gay, bisexual,

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