Logo for SYM Financial Advisors featuring the text "SYM" in large green font and "FINANCIAL ADVISORS" in smaller gray font. There is a graphic of two green, swooping lines beneath "SYM." The background is white.


A man with a smile is seen in a professional portrait. Text on the image reads: "The Owner's Corner, Steve Gundy, President Steve Gundy Coaching." The logo for SYM Financial Advisors is in the top right corner. The background is a gradient of dark colors, highlighting his commitment to special needs coaching.

Charting the Behavioral Landscape: A Journey of Compassion and Coaching with Steve Gundy

In this episode: Host Seth Whicker converses with Steve Gundy, a seasoned professional in behavioral health and owner of a coaching practice. Gundy shares his journey from his first job mowing lawns to establishing a practice that serves individuals with developmental disabilities, leveraging his personal and professional experiences to build a successful business. He emphasizes the importance of aligning with state regulations, the challenges of service delivery, and the personal fulfillment derived from genuinely helping

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A piggy bank sits atop a stack of books on the right, while wooden blocks on the left spell out "FAFSA" vertically. The background is neutral, contrasting with the books and blocks, hinting at upcoming FAFSA changes.

10 Main Changes to FAFSA

Dreading the FAFSA this year? Things just got better. You may have heard that the federal Student Aid office revamped its FAFSA form.  This is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, and it has historically been a doozy to complete.  It has been intimidating, so much so that many have chosen not to complete it, potentially missing out on significant financial aid. Changes were made to the 2024-25 FAFSA form in an effort to

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An icon of a video player with a green play button in the center, symbolizing an engaging investment plan. The player interface includes a progress bar at the bottom, with a circular control for navigating through the video. The image is set against a white background.

The Difference the Right Financial Advisor Can Make

You have likely been told at least once that you need a financial advisor. Perhaps you know it, but it isn’t getting prioritized over the other things on your to-do list.  Maybe you don’t fully understand how one can benefit you.  You could even think it is not worth the cost.  There is evidence a financial advisor will actually save you money in various ways.  You can read more about that in this blog. Consider

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A man in a suit and red tie is speaking with his hand raised. Behind him is a blue wall and a small bookshelf. To the right, there is a chart with intersecting lines displayed on a screen. The chart and the wall both display the name "SYM Financial." He discusses the impact of increasing minimum wage on the economy.

What Does Increasing the Minimum Wage Do to the Economy?

  ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­We recently asked SYM’s Chief Investment Officer Andy Popenfoose this question. This is a paraphrase of what he shared.  Catch his exact words in the video above. The Classic Set up of Two Curves Early labor economics curriculum teaches us about two curves, the supply of labor and the demand of labor. These two curves show how many workers and employers are willing to work and pay for different wages. Here is an example

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