Logo for SYM Financial Advisors featuring the text "SYM" in large green font and "FINANCIAL ADVISORS" in smaller gray font. There is a graphic of two green, swooping lines beneath "SYM." The background is white.


A laptop with a blue screen, displaying images of newspapers labeled "NEWS" flying out from it, symbolizing the transition of news from print to digital. The background is plain white, emphasizing the importance of reliable news sources in today's digital age.

The Internet Told Me So

It goes by many names. On the scary side: fake news, disinformation, Cambridge Analytica, yarns. On the (typically) lighthearted side: realistic satire. We all know that much of the internet’s content is misleading, which can lead to a worrying insecurity about the facts we use for decision making. As SYM’s Chief Investment Officer, allow me to share a few of the primary techniques we use to guard our decisions against untrue input. This is not

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A bar graph titled "Equity Compensation" by SYM Financial Advisors displays the executive compensation mix from 2018-2020 for named executive officers at Russell 3000 companies, with annual revenues between $25-$49.9 billion. Categories include base salary, annual bonus, stock awards, and other forms of compensation.

Understanding Equity-Based Compensation Packages: The Most Common Questions (FAQ)

Equity-based compensation is a powerful engine for wealth creation, but only if it is navigated thoughtfully and diligently. Managed improperly, it can just as easily become an engine for frustration, unease, or despair. As an executive’s career and compensation advance, there are more complexities to taxes, retirement planning, and wealth management goals to consider. Here are some of the most common questions executives have regarding the evolving terrain of their equity compensation packages: What is

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A graphic titled "Events That Can Trigger Buy-Sell Agreements" with an image of a handshake in the center. Arrows point to seven events: Retirement, Disability, Death, Divorce, Insolvency, Termination of Employment, and Dilution, each represented by relevant icons.

Buy-Sell Agreements — Best Practices and Common Questions

Newer companies often get hit with a whirlwind of administrative and legal tasks, many of which are met with sighs and eye rolls when someone suggests they need to be tackled. Entrepreneurs may be very good at vision and managing daily operations but can neglect to take care of non-glamourous aspects of setting up a well-protected business. Every company, even a younger one, should have a plan if something sudden and unforeseen occurs that can

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Image shows the cover art for an episode of a podcast titled "The Owner's Corner." The background features geometric shapes in blue, green, purple, and pink. In the bottom left corner, the SYM Financial Advisors logo is displayed. "EP9 Scott and Zach Tucker discuss their family farm business" is at the bottom right.

Multigenerational Family Business Success with Scott and Zach Tucker (podcast)

Scott Tucker is a board member and the Co-President of Maple Leaf Farms, a multi-generational family-owned company and America’s leading producer of quality duck products. A third-generation family member, Scott began working in the company as a teenager. Today, as Co-President, he leads operations, quality assurance, live production, distribution, and the National Duck Council. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Management from Purdue University and a Master of Business Administration degree from the

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A woman with short brown hair, wearing a dark blazer over a blue top and a necklace, smiles at the camera. The background features a light abstract design. Text on the image reads: "Executive Decisions: A Podcast for Business Leaders" and "Julie Fasone Holder: 'You can't change your brand if you don’t know what that is.'" This podcast offers insights from influential corporate women.

Finding Your Brand with Julie Fasone Holder (podcast)

Julie Fasone Holder is the woman behind JFH Insights, an executive coaching business that supports leaders and influencers in developing advanced leadership strengths and bringing more value to the companies they represent. Before founding JFH Insights, Julie was the former Senior Vice President of Dow Chemical. With Dow, Julie accumulated extensive experience running multi-billion-dollar business portfolios. She also spent a few years running public and government affairs for them. Julie joins me today to describe

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A library aisle with wooden bookshelves filled with books on both sides and at the end. The shelves are neatly organized, holding a variety of colorful books. The aisle is well-lit, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for reading and studying, supported by scholarship granting organizations.

Leveraging your Donations with Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGOs)

If you live in a state that supports Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGO) and some portion of your charitable giving is directed to K-12 private schools, you could have the makings for a beautiful partnership. Seventeen states now offer scholarship tax credit programs that allow both individuals and corporations to earn additional tax credits as a result of their gifts. One success story can be found in the state of Indiana. In its first ten years

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